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Bielefeld: »Under the Surface«, Bunker UlmenwallZoom Button

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Bielefeld: »Under the Surface«, Bunker Ulmenwall

Bielefeld: »Under the Surface«, Bunker Ulmenwall

»Nach zwei Jahren des gemeinsamen Spielens und Reisens verspürten wir alle den Drang, unsere Musik auf einem Live-Album festzuhalten. Für mich gleicht das Spielen von Live-Konzerten mit dem Trio einem wachsenden Baum. Die Musik entwickelt sich auf natürliche Weise von still und verborgen zu stark und fruchtbar, von himmlisch zu irdisch, von Leben zu Tod zu Leben. Unsere Konzerte sind immer noch voll improvisiert und werden immer mehr zu einem immer intensiveren Erlebnis für das Publikum und uns selbst – ein Erlebnis, das uns aus unserer eigenen Komfortzone in eine verborgene Welt der Zärtlichkeit, Wut, Sicherheit, Verlassenheit, Freude, Trauer, Frieden und all der anderen Emotionen führt, die jeder Mensch während seines Lebens erleben wird«, Drummer Joost Liibaart über »Trinity«.

The group released their debut album in 2017. The reactions were overwhelming for us and gave us the chance to perform on many great festivals in Europe (including the North Sea Jazzfestival in Rotterdam) and big music festivals in South America, Africa and Asia.

The CD was nominated for an Edison award in the Netherlands

»Our music is full improvised with a lot of room for sounds, silence and poetry but also more outgoing with influences from European folk tradition. This gives the music a sort of universal language were a lot of different people can relate to.«

»Under the Surface« is a new Dutch band formed by Dutch drummer Joost Lijbaart (known for his work with Yuri Honing), guitarist Bram Stadhouders (known from his work with the Netherlands chamber choir, Jim Black, Sidsel Endersen) and vocalist Sanne Rambags (winner conservatory talent award 2017).

The trio met in 2015 as an initiative of the Dutch foundation Beaux Jazz. This foundation offers young talents artistic support.

For this first edition of ‚Generation Next‘, the young singer Sanne Rambags come up with an adventurous group together with guitarist Bram Stadhouders and drummer Joost Lijbaart.

Their debut album was released in March 2017 on the Dutch label Challenge Records and got great reviews. The universal language in their music brought the group to major festivals in Mali, Mexico, China, Norway, India and the Netherlands.

For the third album which will be released in spring 2022 Bram Stadhouders wrote compositions in the musical language of the band and Sanne Rambags wrote lyrics in old Dutch. A new musical step for the band to come even closer to their own folk.

Drummer Joost Lijbaart (Amsterdam 1967) belongs to the top of the Dutch jazz scene, Bram Stadhouders (Tilburg 1987) is one of the most promising new young musicians in the European improvisation circuit and he received many awards and Sanne Rambags (Tilburg 1994) is one of the few singers of her generation who is able to improvise in a very open way, sometimes with self-written texts and poems, sometimes by positioning herself completely between the musicians.

This gives her voice an instrumental function which is beautifully in line with the open group sound and the playing of Lijbaart and Stadhouders.

Under the Surface is a unique trio of three musicians from different generations who have found each other in a common urge to search for space and silence through improvisation.

Samstag, 22. Januar 2022, 20.30 Uhr, Bunker Ulmenwall, Bielefeld, Joost Lijbaart, Drums, Percussion, Sanne Rambags, Vocals, Poetry, Bram Stadhouders, Guitar, Electronics, Vorverkauf 17 Euro, Abendkasse 20 Euro

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