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Pipette.com Has Added New Pipette Calibration Management Software to Their Lab Services, Video

Pipette.com Has Added New Pipette Calibration Management Software to Their Lab Services, Video

San Diego, February 12, 2022

Pipette.com is an ISO 17025 Accredited #Calibration #Facility that calibrates and repairs all pipette brands and models. At Pipette.com, the company performs metrology-based pipette calibration. Pipette Calibration is a process of examining and/or adjusting the pipettes to the true value by comparison to the standard which is set by the manufacturer of that said pipette. The standard, in this case, is the pipetting range set by the pipette manufacturer to be accurate and precise at low volume and high volume of the pipette. 

At Pipette.com, their lab performs metrology-based pipette calibration. Metrology-based pipette calibration provides a platform where the process is done within strict guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This ensures that there is a methodology and a standard set for all of the equipment used to calibrate the pipettes.

Pipette.com’s calibration software provides management and performance of calibrations and maintenance. The software’s Cloud infrastructure enables calibration and documentation to be processed in real time, increasing efficiencies and productivity. Pipette.com calibration software solution increases reach, revenue and effectiveness with paperless operations, real-time quality management and data capture. Pipette.com’s calibration management software improves customer communication and relationships through customer portals enabling the view and print of certificates. 

Lastly, Pipette.com’s calibration management software gives companies’ customers instant access to all pipette calibration certificates, order status and repair histories. Laboratories are now able to inventory their customer’s pipettes, assigning them to end-users and locations, and search by internal ID. Clients are now able to rely on quick turnaround time to maintain their own operations. With Pipette.com’s Calibration Management Software, labs can easily coordinate schedules with their clients, allowing both parties to view appointment information and the estimated time of completion.

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