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Turn pumpkin scraps into tasty snacks with these viral TikTok recipesZoom Button

Foto: Marius Ciocirlan, Informationen zu Creative Commons (CC) Lizenzen, für Pressemeldungen ist der Herausgeber verantwortlich, die Quelle ist der Herausgeber

Turn pumpkin scraps into tasty snacks with these viral TikTok recipes

Turn pumpkin scraps into tasty snacks with these viral TikTok recipes

Halloween season is here and with it comes one of the most popular autumn activities, you guessed it, carving pumpkins! However, an estimated 22.2 million pumpkins will go to waste this year. So how can we use those leftover pumpkins when the spooky season is over? 

Jackandbeyond found that the word “Pumpkin” had an audience outreach of 10.3 billion views on TikTok. But how popular are pumpkins for home-baking? In order to find out, they discovered the most viral ways we can reduce our pumpkin waste this Halloween by turning pumpkin scraps into heart-warming recipes.

 The most viewed pumpkin recipes on Tiktok



No. of views


pumpkin scones



pumpkin brownies



pumpkin crumble



pumpkin coffee



pumpkin syrup



pumpkin pie



pumpkin butterboard



pumpkin bread



pumpkin fries



pumpkin spice latte


​​Jackandbeyond can reveal that the most popular pumpkin recipe is scones, with a grand total of 5.9 billion views for recipes on TikTok!

Not far behind, in second place, are both pumpkin brownies and pumpkin crumble. These delicious, healthy-ish treats have racked up a grand total of 5.4 billion views on the platform respectively.

TikTok’s latest craze, butterboards, also feature on the list in seventh place with an impressive 241.6 million views.

The top five most viral recipe videos on TikTok


Top five most viral pumpkin recipes on Tiktok

No. of views


Pumpkin Bread Recipe



Homemade Pumpkin Spiced Coffee Syrup Recipe



Pumpkin Pie Recipe



Pumpkin Brownie Recipe 



Pumpkin Scone Recipe


Jackandbeyond found that the most-watched pumpkin recipe is a delicious pumpkin bread with cream cheese filling, uploaded by @myhealthydish, which has an incredible 6 million views on the platform.

Not far behind, with 5.4 million views is a classic PSL syrup recipe made by coffee aficionado @thethriftwitch.

What are the benefits of eating pumpkin? 

Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A, with one cup providing 200% of the recommended daily intake. It also contains Vitamins C and E as well as potassium, iron and folate. The top three health effects are:

  1. Sharpens eye-sight.

  2. Lowers the risk of certain cancers including lung and prostate cancer.

  3. Strengthens immunity.


  1. Jack and Beyond wanted to discover ways we can reduce our pumpkin wastage this autumn.

  2. To do so, they utilised the social media platform TikTok, to identify the most trending pumpkin recipes. Relevant phrases such as “Pumpkin Pie”, “Pumpkin Bread” and “Pumpkin Scones” alongside 23 other terms were used to source data. The seed list was collated from multiple reputable sources, including BuzzfeedGlamourHubbubNorthwestern Medicine and WebMD.

  3. All recipes were ranked based on the number of search results that appeared—from highest to lowest—to reveal the top methods for reusing pumpkin waste to make sweet treats.

  4. *Jackandbeyond also scoured through reputable websites like fetch by WebMD: WebMD and Northwestern Medicine: Northwestern Medicine to find information on incorporating pumpkins into your diet and the health benefits of doing so. As well as sourcing food wastage statistics at HubHub.

  5. All data was collected on 18/10/2022 and is accurate as of then, but subject to change. 
Jack and Beyond Online

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