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2022 Predictions for Urban TransportationZoom Button

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2022 Predictions for Urban Transportation

2022 Predictions for Urban Transportation

  • With the age of #Covid, urban transportation is experiencing a number of new and unique trends that are here to stay

Vancouver, Washington, January 17, 2022

Ryd, the all-electric vehicle transportation startup, releases their 2022 predictions for urban transportation.

As a leader in green and sustainable transportation, Ryd is on the leading edge of evolving the way people will move around cities. With the age of Covid, urban transportation is experiencing a number of new and unique trends that are here to stay.

Surface parking

Surface parking will be pushed further and further outside of city centers. As cities continue to redevelop and with a boom in multi-family apartment buildings to accommodate a younger urban demographic, there will be less and less room for vehicle parking lots.

Bike sales and usage will surge

Ever since the pandemic, bike sales have surged over 50 percent as more and more people get outside and consider new ways to commute. Local infrastructure for bike storage and parking will be a concern that needs to be addressed to meet growing numbers and more bike lanes will be created across the US in 2022 than any other year in the past.

Cities will begin to test new restrictions on the number of vehicles per household

It’s not far-fetched to believe that the country’s most progressive cities will take a close look at restricting the number of vehicles per household and cut back on the issue of cluttered street parking that otherwise could be optimized for commercial activation, multimodal transportation infrastructure, and even dynamic green spaces.

More mixed use streets

Covid restrictions proved that many city streets are better used as vibrant pedestrian, cultural, and entertainment districts. This will be a major trend that continues through 2022 as more cities transition streets to mixed-use spaces.

Urban transportation will be offered as a corporate perk

Especially as an increasing number of companies move to a truly hybrid work from office/home/anywhere model, better incentivizing transportation perks will be key in 2022, especially for maintaining employee engagement in the physical workplace. Ryd is one example of a perk being used by many businesses in Vancouver and soon in other US cities.

More municipalities will launch networks of e-bikes

Based on the success of other startups, cities will begin to develop their own network of e-bikes, giving them more control over fleets. 

Slower growth for ride sharing

Ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft will experience much slower growth throughout 2022 as urban residents opt for new forms of transportation such as scooters, bikes, and local services like Ryd that not only provide mobility solutions but a tangible urban experience.

The rise of parking apps

More municipalities will begin to adopt parking apps to help drivers identify parking spaces and also pay via subscriptions.

Reduced traffic will help with pollution

As is already being reported in international cities such as Kathmandu, Nepal, Covid lockdown restrictions will continue to reduce emissions pollution in urban cities.

Incumbent auto manufacturers will challenge Tesla’s with strong electric vehicle growth

As more and more vehicle brands go electric, Tesla’s growth will slow and be challenged by new entrants such as Rivian, Volkswagen, BMW, and Polestar.

About Ryd

Ryd partners with local businesses to create Ryd stops across Vancouver’s downtown urban core. These locations serve as pick-up and drop-off locations for “Ryders”. Ryd’s 100 percent electric fleet of electric vehicles keep the environment clean while also providing a fun and fully local alternative to traditional ride-sharing services.

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