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Gütsel Weihnachtsspende 2024 an die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfallhilfe Gütersloh

Jährlich erleiden in Deutschland rund 270.000 Menschen einen #Schlaganfall, der damit die dritthäufigsten Todesursache und Hauptgrund für Behinderungen im Erwachsenenalter ist …

Gütsel Zitate: »People don’t ›allow‹ themselves to be abused. People are lied to and coerced into abusive situations. And before they know any better, their finances, their living situations, and all of their systems of support are tied into their abuser. People don’t choose to be abused. They are manipulated by their abusers. And by the time they realize that they need to get away, it’s too late to do so without tearing their entire world apart«, Unknown