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Friendly Shandong posts short video: Along the Yellow River Leading to the Sea

Friendly Shandong posts short video: Along the Yellow River Leading to the Sea

Jinan, China, November 17th, 2022

Along the Yellow River Leading to the #Sea, a short video recently posted at Friendly Shandong overseas social media platforms by the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, has showcased the bond between the Yellow River and Shandong. The Yellow River, the second longest river in #China, flows through nine major cities in Shandong, from Heze to Dongying, and then empties itself into the Bohai Sea, and has made a beautiful and fertile Shandong.

Shandong Province, known as the hometown of famous Chinese philosopher Confucius (551—479 B. C.), has taken lead in promoting tourism and culture overseas via its nine social media accounts and pages in English, Japanese, Korean and traditional Chinese languages.

By meshing snapshots of modern Shandong with the province’s profound historical heritage, traditional cultural treasures, and picturesque natural scenery, Friendly Shandong has helped overseas audiences know more about Shandong, attracted major overseas tourism source markets, and also reinforced the local culture and tourism development.

Friendly Shandong Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube social media accounts had over 1.4 million followers, with over 13.7 million impressions achieved by the end of this September. For more information, visit Shandong on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Source: Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Xinhuanet North America

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