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Family of Damar Hamlin Expresses Gratitude for Support and Announces Formal Creation of “The Chasing M’s Foundation” Charitable FundZoom Button

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Family of Damar Hamlin Expresses Gratitude for Support and Announces Formal Creation of “The Chasing M’s Foundation” Charitable Fund

Family of Damar Hamlin Expresses Gratitude for Support and Announces Formal Creation of “The Chasing M’s Foundation” Charitable Fund

McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, January 8th, 2023

Humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support from over 250,000 individual donors globally, the family of Damar Hamlin is announcing the formal creation of “The Chasing M’s Foundation” Charitable Fund in partnership with The Giving Back Fund to facilitate the receipt, processing, and allocation of donations to Damar’s philanthropic programs as a 501(c)(3) verified nonprofit organization.

In keeping with this goal, The Chasing M’s Foundation Charitable Fund formalized a partnership with The Giving Back Fund, an industry-leading twenty-five year old organization exclusively focused on philanthropic compliance, management, and best practices. Aligned with the intent of Damar, his family, and the donors who have contributed thus far and in collaboration with the NFL, Buffalo Bills, and GoFundMe, all charitable contributions, activities, and allocations from January 2nd, 2023 and going forward will be facilitated through The Chasing M’s Foundation Charitable Fund at The Giving Back Fund (Federal Tax ID 04-3367888).

“Each day, Damar shows renewed strength and our family is incredibly grateful for the global outpouring of concern we have been given”, shared Damar’s father, Mario Hamlin. “We remain humbled by the prayers and good wishes of so many, which have helped to sustain us as he continues to heal.”

The Chasing M’s Foundation

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