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Team Peugeot »TotalEnergies« won the FIA WEC and ACO Low Carbon Impact AwardZoom Button

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Team Peugeot »TotalEnergies« won the FIA WEC and ACO Low Carbon Impact Award

Team Peugeot »TotalEnergies« won the FIA WEC and ACO Low Carbon Impact Award

Peugeot Sport, November 5th, 2023

The FIA World Endurance Championship prize giving ceremony closed the 2023 season last night in #Bahrain. On this occasion, Team #Peugeot »TotalEnergies« won the #FIA WEC DHL Sustainability #Endurance #Award, rewarding the team for its efforts to decarbonize its activities.

In the frame of the Dare Forward plan, Stellantis Group has defined a strategy to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions with a carbon neutral goal by 2038. Stellantis Motorsport, a technological laboratory, set up an anticipated decarbonization programme. Leader of this project, Team Peugeot TotalEnergies has identified several pillars of action in four main areas to reduce it greenhouse gas emissions and improve its environmental footprint. Those four areas are: cars and part production, logistics, drivers, team, and employee engagement.

As part of the Low Impact Carbon Award, Team Peugeot TotalEnergies focussed on three out of four challenges suggested by the ACO: measure its carbon footprint, consume less and more ecologically and finally set a goal to commit significantly to reducing its emission by 2030.

#Stellantis Motorsport is working closely with its partners TotalEnergies and Capgemini, experts in their field. For example, the use of TotalEnergies renewable fuel by the WEC competitors allowed to save more than 66% of the emissions. Moreover, the engineers are now trained to integrate eco design principles in their domain of expertise, by optimising the use of environmentally friendly materials. The Group buyers include environmental criteria in all tenders and in terms of logistics, the team is working in partnership with the championship promotors to have a greener approach. A part of the actions implemented since 2022 are: encouraging the use of maritime transport, reducing the weight of parts and cars transported and optimizing and reducing travel of the team for test and race weekends. To have all the employees working toward this goal, workshops have been organised at the Satory factory in order to discuss the causes and consequences of climate change thanks to the Climate Fresk.

All human actions and events lead to greenhouse gas emissions, #Motorsport, compared to other sports is ahead of its time. Motorsport is doing more than lowering its emissions, it is developing new technologies for a freer and greener #mobility.

Stellantis Motorsport has a larger vision than the one asked by the Motorsport regulations that is part of the global politics to make our sport more sustainable. It is now a considerable challenge for our society; in that aim, the first step will be to have the three star status from the FIA environmental accreditation programme by the end of 2023.

Claire Magnant, Stellantis Motorsport Program Manager: “We are very proud to have won the Low Carbon Impact Award. We welcome those new initiatives of the ACO and the FIA WEC that seek solutions for a more sustainable sport. This prize rewards all the work done by the Team Peugeot TotalEnergies and Stellantis Motorsport teams. We also want to thank the #Capgemini #Invent teams that are by our side everyday to work on this passionate subject. We launch this project to reduce our carbon footprint in 2022 and since then we have identified several plans of actions to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. All the teams are involved in this project, from R and D, purchase department, HR to logistics and of course all our racing teams. This is a major issue, and we are all committed to it”, more

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